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Paleo Recipes

I started eating Paleo a few years ago as it was the first diet that actually made sense to me! There was no calorie counting or special books & products, just eating healthy whole foods and cutting out things like Soy, Gluten, Refined Sugar & Dairy(did you know we’re the only mammal that drinks another mammals milk?). After eating Paleo for a month, I noticed a difference in my weight, skin, and overall health. My stomach stopped hurting, I dropped a few pounds, and I had more energy as my calories were no longer “empty calories”.

I’ve managed to maintain a mostly Paleo lifestyle from ever since and with grocery stores carrying tons more Paleo products as of recently, it’s only gotten easier! I highly encourage a Paleo diet for anyone looking to improve their overall wellness as it will make you much more conscious of what you’re putting into your body on the daily!